Every couple of the opposite sex is different from others. And so, their parenthood journey is distinguished from other couples. Some couples become parents as they wish, plan, and work for it while others have to struggle a lot and need medical support to become parents.
You will visit a fertility clinic if you are among the couples with conception issues. And a respective doctor will advise a few fertility treatments after interacting with you and having a look at the reports of the recommended tests/screenings. IVF or in vitro fertilisation could be one of those advised fertility treatments.
In vitro fertilisation or IVF is a type of assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatment that helps a couple to conceive and become parents of a child. In this medical treatment, egg fertilisation happens at the lab by placing egg and sperm together, outside of a human body. The entire process includes:
- Consultation with a respective doctor
- Fertility assessment
- Ovary stimulation with fertility drugs
- Egg retrieval
- Sperm extraction
- Egg fertilisation and embryo development
- Embryo transfer
- Pregnancy test after 2-3 weeks of embryo transfer
In some cases, you may need to have more than one IVF cycle to conceive a child.
IVF or in vitro fertilisation is an effective medical process to get pregnant and enjoy parenthood. Based on your test reports, your doctor recommends IVF to you (couples of the opposite sex) if you have:
- Blocked or damaged fallopian tubes - Any blockage or damage in either of the fallopian tubes interrupts the usual process of egg and sperm meeting, which is crucial for natural egg fertilisation. Further, it affects embryo travel to the uterus, leading to no implantation.
- Ovulation disorders - Ovulation disorders cause irregularities in the production and release of an egg in a menstrual cycle that makes conception harder for you.
- Endometriosis - It occurs when you have uterine lining like growth outside of your uterus. This growth affects the functionality of your uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.
- Uterine fibroids - As benign tumours, fibroids are common in females in their thirties and forties. Fibroids interrupt the implantation of the embryo, fertilised egg.
- Sperm abnormalities - Healthy sperm is the basic need for natural egg fertilisation inside a female’s reproductive system. Poor sperm count, shape, and motility affect the process and makes a female have no conception.
- Prior tubal removal or sterilisation - Tubal sterilisation refers to a medical process to block or cut the fallopian tubes to stop a female from having a conception in future. You need to remove the blockage or opt for IVF if you wish to conceive in future.
- Genetic disorder - If your mother, sister, or father has genetic issues, you are at higher risk of having chromosomal and conception problems. Genetic testing can help you get over it.
- Unexplained infertility - Difficulty in conceiving a child even everything in you and your partner is okay.
- Fertility preservation for cancer treatment
At FSIVF Centre, we feel proud to help couples in their parenthood journey. After assessing their fertility, we provide all types of support and care with the requisite treatment. Our treatment and care help them have a healthy and cute child in their lap/life.