Track Ovulation With Irregular Periods

Pregnancy is different for different females. It happens to some women as soon as they plan or wish for it while it requires a lot of effort from some females. Women trying to conceive need to know their ovulation time/fertile window. 

Ovulation is a reproductive health process in which either of a female’s ovaries release a mature egg that travels to the uterus through the fallopian tubes. During travel, there is fertilisation and implantation if the egg meets with the sperm ejaculated in the vagina. 

Ovulation occurs usually in the middle of a menstrual cycle if the menstrual cycle is regular. It can happen on days 8 to 21 if your menstrual cycle ranges from 22 to 35 days. Suppose that your menstrual cycle lasts for 28 days. You will ovulate on day 14. Knowing ovulation is easy when your menstrual cycle is regular. To get pregnant with irregular menstrual cycles, you need to track your ovulation. Here are some ways that can help you make justified predictions and get pregnant:

Chart your menstrual cycle 

Charting your menstrual cycles is the easiest and most effective way to track it. As per your convenience, you can use a calendar or diary to mark or note down the first date when you bleed in your menstrual cycle. Do date marking for 3-6 months in a row. It will help you and your doctor to offer the right suggestion or take the right step to get pregnant. 

Track your BBT (basal body temperature)

For tracking your BBT, you need to measure your body temperature just after leaving your bed in the morning. You need to do it after your periods for a few months. During ovulation, there is a sustained temperature increase in your body. Through charting your body temperatures, you can detect temperature changes and predict when you are going to ovulate. 

Monitor your cervical mucus 

Cervical mucus monitoring gives an idea about your ovulation time. You will have a higher accuracy if you do cervical mucus monitoring with BBT charting. Around ovulation, your cervical mucus starts to become clear and thin. It looks like raw egg whites. Due to thinning, your male partner’s sperm easily passes through the cervix and meets with the egg released by your ovaries. 

Use an ovulation predictor kit   

Similar to home pregnancy tests, ovulation predictor kits are urine tests that reveal the rise in LH (luteinising hormone) levels. An increase in LH hormone generally indicates that you will have ovulation within 12 to 36 hours. Daily sex can help you get pregnant. You should use this kit on consecutive days to detect the LH surge accurately. You will have only an 80% chance of predicting ovulation if you test for more than 5 days. Your prediction goes to around 95% if you test for more than 10 days.    

Apply saliva ferning tests 

In comparison with ovulation predictor kits, saliva testing is less costly to detect and predict ovulation. It highlights crystal formations that usually build up in saliva during ovulation. There are chemical changes in the saliva when a female is highly fertile in her menstrual cycle. This test kit includes a lens. For testing, you have to place a drop of your saliva on the lens. After five minutes, you will see crystal development on the lens if you are going to ovulate. The test result indicates that you will ovulate within 24 to 72 hours of the first formation.   

Use ovulation tracker apps 

In the current world, there is an extensive range of apps that can count the days of your menstrual cycle for you. With the use of an algorithm, such an app can help you know when you will ovulate. 


Tracking ovulation is crucial for you when you are trying to conceive. You can use any one of the steps mentioned above. However, talking to a respective doctor will be beneficial for you before using any step/way on your behalf.