Also known as uterine tubes, oviducts, and salpinges, the fallopian tubes are the crucial organ of a female’s reproductive system. These tubes facilitate egg fertilisation by assisting the flow of egg to the uterus from the ovary. The fallopian tubes facilitate the early growth of an embryo for 4-5 days before moving to the uterus.
What are blocked fallopian tubes?
According to Dr Ruchi Malhotra, an IVF specialist at FSIVF, any issue like a blockage or damage caused by scar tissues can obstruct a female from getting pregnant. Around 20% of female infertility relates to tubal causes. Usually, the blocked fallopian tubes are the tubes that do not facilitate the free flow of egg and sperm and support egg fertility to embryo development due to having infection or scar tissues.
Causes of the damaged or blocked fallopian tubes
One or both of the fallopian tubes might have a blockage due to contamination or scar tissues. Here are some noticeable blocked tube causes:
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Sexually transmitted infections such as Gonorrhoea and Chlamydia
- Abdominal surgery
- Prior ectopic pregnancies
- A history of a burst appendix
- Presence of hydrosalpinx (fluid in the tubes)
- A large fibroid on the uterus fundus
- History of Koch's disease or tuberculosis (TB)
Symptoms of the blocked fallopian tubes
Usually, no female is aware of the fact that she has a blockage in one or both of the fallopian tubes due to lack of signs. She knows it through a few tests recommended by her doctor when she consults an expert after having no concept for a year. Some women experience a few signs that could be:
- Pelvic ache
- Distressing urination
- Agonising intercourse
- Unpleasant bowel motions
- Low back pain
- Extreme stomach pain
- Heavy menstrual spotting or periods between menstrual periods
- Exhaustion
Diagnosis of the blocked fallopian tubes
It is usually difficult to conduct a complete assessment of the characteristics of the fallopian tubes of a female with infertility. However, experts like Dr Ruchi Malhotra say that it is possible to evaluate the tubal patency. A hysterosalpingogram can help know whether the fallopian tubes are open or not. In addition, an abdominal ultrasound scan can reveal the irregularities in the fallopian tubes. At times, expert can advise a patient to have:
- Laparoscopic chromotubation
- Tubal insufflation
In the treatment of the blocked fallopian tubes, experts deal with the fallopian tube obstruction. Based on the reports of a few recommended tests/screenings, the doctor can suggest you to have tuboplasty to correct the damage or open the blockage in the fallopian tubes. Further, the experts at the FSIVF Clinic can suggest assisted reproductive technology (ART) treatment options like IVF and IUI.
- IVF - It is the most effective ART solution in which egg fertilisation and embryo development occur outside of a human body and embryo transfer into the patient’s uterus takes place. The entire process includes ovary stimulation, egg retrieval, sperm extraction, egg fertilisation, embryo development & transfer, and pregnancy test.
- IUI - This treatment also bypasses the use of the fallopian tubes. Experts inject sperm directly into a female’s uterus via the cervix with the help of the catheter, a fine needle.